Monday, April 21, 2008

Dominated by the potty

This weekend it seems we have been dominated by the potty.  Saturday all plans seemed perfect we were meeting 2 friends at the park; shaye took a mega-nap and was ready for fun.  The usual battle to get dressed began and when I asked her is she needed to go potty:  I got reprimanded "NO I NO NEED TO GO!"  This question and answer went on for at least 8 bouts and I just didn't feel like fighting anymore.  Honestly, I didn't want to wrestle a 2 year old on the toilet.  I should have.....  about 5 minutes into our ride to the park Shaye calls from the back "I went potty".  We told her to hold it until we got to the park.  Well, Shaye has been using her tenses and verbs better and she "went"potty.  And I never replenished the pants in the stash of emergency clothes in the car.  So home we went cleaned up everything and managed to get to the park for some fun.  Although my irritation level had peaked.
Forward to Sunday going to a birthday party, 5 minutes into that drive Shaye says "I need to go Potty"  so this time we quickly pull over and set up the travel potty and stand beside her as all the traffic goes by for over 10 minutes!  Are you done...are you done....are you done yet???  Luckily she did eventually go or I was going to strangle her :)
I know this is part of toddlerdom and maybe I am just crabby because she has been waking up every night between 3:30 and 4:30 am because she pees in her pull up and wants to be changed. I thought we were doing good she was sleeping through the night so well, but the comes potty training and my sleeping through the night disappears....  So maybe I am just tired...but I  hear that continues for at least another 18 years (hopefully we are still not peeing on the side of the rode by then).

1 comment:

Heather said...

We know the feeling:)