Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Banning the binky!!

We tried once before at Christmas Shaye decided she was giving her binkies to the babies at daycare.  We played up that the babies came and got them and left her a doll and all.  It lasted one night and we gave binky back by the next nap.  Feeling quite defeated.

I hate the binky which was now only for nap and nighttime in Shaye's crib (meaning she naps at daycare fine without it---peer pressure is a great thing).  But as per Shaye "I still little at home; I need my binky in my cribie"  Yesterday afternoon we had a hell of a tamper tantrum and mommy said if you don't put on your pants now I am taking your binky's away!!!! (we were trying to get out of the house to the park and the usual getting dressed frustration just got to me).  So I took binky's away, and after much crying and screaming forced pants on and had a nice afternoon out.  Come 7 o'clock and no binky's in crib, major trauma broke out and I felt horrible, just horrible, but in less than 30 minutes she did pull together (just before I broke out in tears) and slept all night.  I then of course did not sleep because I obsessed on the thought that she was now sucking her thumb and causing a whole new problem (checked on her and listened for hours for thumb sucking)----I'm nuts!  Well so far so good.  She slept until about 5:30 am (early for her by 11/2 hours but given the circumstances she got cuddles in the couch for the next hour or so).
She was very proud of herself and here we are onto night 2 and she fell asleep with ease.  Can it be binky has gone away???  I pray and hope and have promised a trip to Toysrus if this holds out!
I am off this week (hence the longer blogs) and noticed my mommy day was plagued buy several 5-6 year olds with binky's in their mouths; every where I turned there they were.  So...was it a sign...am I nuts?....Weekends are potty....Weekdays are binky.... Who am I?  Oh yeah "Mommy JoJo"  That explains it.

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