Sunday, April 6, 2008

Do you Bunco?

So I was looking for a girl's night out thing and Maureen sucked me into Bunco.  I wanted to get out and didn't care what it was.  So I showed up for my first Bunco back in February a bit apprehensive.  But get 12 women together, some wine and a pair of dice and good times flow.  If you told me years ago I would look forward to "Bunco"  I'd say never, but yes I am here to admit I am a Buncoer and enjoying it.  Its at my house next month (Friday 5/2 7:30) and I may need some subs; anyone interested???


Heather said...

Can I just come to drink? hee, hee

Buns&Donuts said...

YES! I was hoping you'd come. Save the date!