Saturday, April 26, 2008

Week update

What a glorious week!  The weather was summer like; we enjoyed several days at the park and numerous playdates with Dean, Olivia, Ava and Mary Jane.  We have been making efforts to get together with some of Shaye's friends from daycare and its been very nice.  Shaye also went into daycare this week while I was off and I enjoyed some time for myself to go to the spa, shopping, do spring cleaning and some yardwork.
An update on the binky:  The binky is still gone (well given to the babies at daycare who need them).  Shaye has handled it fairly well.  But I know why parents let their kids hang onto the is just easier.  Shaye has been much crabbier and more difficult to get to sleep without the pacifier in her crib and she has been waking up earlier.  Each day gets a little better. 

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