Sunday, March 30, 2008

Here's to Good Friends and Times

Heather called this "March Madness" and I agree we have had something to do every Saturday and Sunday of this month and then some, but it sure was fun!!  This busy month was really filled with great times with friends and family.  We went to the Big Apple Circus with the Catalano Crew (Shaye's 1st circus--which she loved, but was a little scared of the clowns) to several easter celebrations, birthdays and get togethers with friends.  And I realized how lucky I am to have such special people in my lives.  I saw 2 of my closest friends from high school this month:  Cristina, who I see almost monthly and crave every girls night out and Suzi, who I haven't seen in almost 3 years.  And I am amazed at how old ties bind.  Our lives have taken us down so many different paths but when we meet again it is just as it was.  I love you guys!  Congratulations to my friend Adele who I was honored to visit in the hospital upon the birth of her son Antonio.  And my friends Maureen & Danielle whose family and friends are becoming my friends as well; they are beautiful souls and I enjoy all our times together.  And when I really stop to be thankful it is for my family (who are really my best friends).  So here's to all those in my life:  please know you are loved and appreciated!

1 comment:

Heather said...

When did you become so sappy? We love you too:)