Friday, March 21, 2008

My First Blog

Okay so Heather started it and it seemed fun and interesting so I thought I'd give this blog thing a try as well.  (Besides Heather can link to my blog then too--)Time for me to join this decade.  The internet is for more than email and shopping right?
I am not sure how exciting our lives really are, but Shaye is fun to look at (and I hope to figure out how to post pictures as well).  Some updates on life in the Buns&Donuts household:  Shaye is 28 months old today!  She talks up a storm and is usually as sweet as can be (barring toddler moments).  She was potty trained in January and the adventure into toddlerhood has certainly begun.  She loves artsy stuff, books, puzzles, babies and dollhouse stuff.   I can't get her to do anything that remotely resembles a sport, besides shopping.  As for myself, I am still working part-time at the CP center in Belleville.  I do really like it there and love the kids.  Reid continues to work hard with Carbon and dote on Shaye any free time he has.   And so we begin....

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yay! I am excited! See you made fun and now look at you:)