Monday, December 22, 2008

Sometimes things don't how how you think they will

Sometimes things are not how you envision they will be.  When the snow started falling on Friday I was so excited by the prospect of taking Shaye outside to build a snowman.  So after her nap We put on layer after layer of clothes and snowsuit.  We ended with the mittens; she took one step outside; her mittens started to fall off and she went right back inside.  After a bit of crying we settled on some different gloves and tried again.  She seemed a little more willing and we got 2 snowmen built in the cold rain that developed.  So the next morning we both woke up with lovely colds!

Yesterday I took Shaye to her 1st movie with all her friends form playgroup and Olivia.  I expected her to be mesmerized and enamoured with the big screen.  Sometimes things are not how you envision they will be:  she was scared by some parts; couldn't decide where she wanted to sit; and on the ride home said "next time I'll just stay home with daddy".  

I hope Christmas is as fun and I am anticipating.  Three more days and I am so excited!!!!  Merry Christmas to all.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to Shaye!

Well my baby isn't a baby anymore!  She's the big 3--hit preschool and already seems like she may want to start dropping the nap.  I am curious to see if that means an later wake up time (praying for it).  We celebrated this weekend with a large crowd at the house, which seemed like a whirlwind of cooking and cleaning for me.  But fun none the less.

So at three years old Shaye weighs 39 lbs and is just under 40 inches tall.  She's in the 95-97 percentile for her age.  She loves purple and red, arts and crafts, playing babies, barbies, cars and now trains (her birthday gift from mommy and daddy was a new train set).  She doesn't seem to like sports, but loves yoga--just the mention of it sends her into a downward facing dog.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm Free!

I have the whole day to myself!!  And I feel almost frozen trying to decide what to do first.  Shopping, bath, pedicure or what it will really turn into mopping the floors, making dinner, doing laundry.
Here are some recent pics:  Shaye and her buddy Dean for Halloween and at Great Wolf Lodge and Shaye and Riley in a swing on a playdate.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Some October Fun and exhaustion

How is it almost November???  Its been a busy month with fun activities and play dates.  I have been quite tired lately and think it has to do with all we are doing, but who can say no to all the fun?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday to me!  And Victor :)

So after a Sunday morning and afternoon of relaxing with the family hitting 34 doesn't feel so bad.  Earlier in the week I definitely had a what happened to the young me moment.  But an easy weekend and that pedicure I've been longing for for weeks have made it all better.  So...Happy Birthday to me.

Monday, September 29, 2008

You know it was fun when even your panties got dirty!

Shaye went to the park sleepy but ended up digging in the ball field with her friend and boy did they get dirty.  But often really dirty means really fun!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Shaye and her friends

So as my daughter gets bigger; I have come to realize that my social life has become hers.  We spent the weekend meeting up with her friends (and she's not even 3!)  Thank god all the kids are great kids with wonderful families and its been fun!  So we spent 2 1/2 hours at the park with her friends from daycare, lunch with Riley and her family, afternoon at the Shrine's Country Festival with cousin Olivia, and dinner with Dean and his family on Sunday, concert at the library today with Olivia too.  There's also a cute picture from when the fire truck visited the preschool.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ouch Report

Shaye got her 1st ouch report at school yesterday.  After 2 years in daycare that is a pretty good testament to her toughness.  But she collided head on with a little boy and has developed quite a blackeye.  I am so sad to like at her pathetic little face.  She says it will go away in 2 days; maybe a little longer.  But she's still smiling.
I am often the mad woman running out into my yard screaming at the deer:  "Don't eat my Flowers".  Shaye has taken over that role; running right after me this evening.  I happened to get a little carried away with it yelling "you Bastards!"  so she repeated me:  saying "You Bads Deers". At least she didn't realize what I was really saying :)

Monday, September 1, 2008

End of summer

A busy weekend and now a day to rest!
So I thought we could go to the Lake or Liberty Science Center or....  But after a busy weekend at Kids Junction, then a BBQ at the Catalano's, and the Beach yesterday.  Shaye woke up and said "My body hurts."  All that playing is tough work.  So we will hang out and rest today.  Tomorrow is back to work and Shaye begins nursery school!  There's some excitement there, but also some sadness that summer is coming to an end and my baby is growing up. (Oh by the way that's her "boyfriend Dean" (I can only pray she meets a nice boy like him when she grows up--they get along so well).

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

End of summer

We have recently returned from a few days in LBI.  The weather was fantastic and Shaye was a lot of fine.  We spent a lot of time on the beach, one day at the bay, visited the lighthouse, saw Peter Pan, and visited grandma and grandpa Bundonis.  Now there is wash to do, groceries to stock, and some sleep to catch up on.  
I have this week off with my Shaye Shaye.  And I am looking forward to some nice mommy and Shaye time; but not looking forward to the looming 9/2 date for returning to work and school.  Shaye will begin nursery or preschool on that day; I can't believe how fast she is growing up!  But she is definitely ready for more.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Toddler land

So I got turned on to facebook and didn't get it at first and now have become sucked it.  Therefore, I have not written much on this blog lately.  This is the last week of my work's summer program and I am looking forward to a couple weeks off and some special time home with Shaye.
Today we went to the Crayola Factory and it is just up Shaye's alley.  She loves the arts and I was quite impressed how she made all the projects herself!  She cuts, glues and colors at times as well as me (although thats not saying much for me).  
We have 3 toddler birthday parties within one week, then Sesame Place including lunch with Big Bird!  I think it will either age me another 3 years or make me feel 3 again.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So I said it was gross; I said it was too expensive; then I actually ran by one day and said Stirling Lake doesn't look so bad and the next day I joined in have been there 3 times this week.  So we belong to "the lake"  its so great for kids and Shaye and I am meeting some people in the area.  I actually feel like I can relax a bit because the water is shallow there are no waves and its near home!  
Also Shaye has graduated to her big girl bed (a new twin bed).  The crib and rocking chair are out of her room--and I did feel a bit sad because it was the last baby things to go.  But she is handling it fairly well (except for the 2 times she awoke under the bed)  We are still not sure what exactly happened but at least she didn't stray too far from the bed.  She also got her first pet:  Buddy the purple Beta fish.  Its fun to feed him each night with her and she seems happy about him (even if he is just in a bowl--not a tank like she requested.  

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Kids Kingdom

Shaye sat for her first real face painting at Kids Kingdom.  And got a cat to match her friend Riley.  It did transform her face.  She had a fun afternoon with her friend.  This week was filled with going to the pool with Via and Blake, yoga, shopping, and a party at Rosie's house next door.  

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is Reid's Birthday and yesterday was our 9th anniversary!  Seems like time is just flying by.  Over 4th of July weekend we went to Philadelphia for my friend Cristina's wedding.  Shaye was the flowergirl and I was a bridesmaid.  It was quite a busy weekend and I think a bit stressful for Shaye (her poop turned bright green for 6 days!).  But we all survived and Shaye made it down the aisle and did not have any breakdowns.  I was so nervous just waiting for the 2 year breakdown as she waited for 2 1/2 hours before the wedding napless and uncomfortable (most mom's know when it is coming and all the ducks were in a row to have a major drama--but she pulled it together thank god).  Then she left with grandma and grandpa and Reid and I enjoyed the rest of the wedding :)
Shaye went to her first baseball game in Philly.  Daddy was thrilled to explain the game. Shaye wanted to see the green guy (Philly Phanatic).  Now its back to work this week and I realized how great vacation was!  
So I'm still trying to figure out what to do for daddy on his birthday??

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Busy Week of Fun

We've been quite busy over the past week or so.  Shaye got a new big girl bike (12" with training wheels)  and took off riding quickly.  Father's day was nice; celebrating with grandpas and uncles.  We went to the local Kelly Miller circus and Shaye is now a bit into elephants.  And mommy is not.  We were sitting in the front row for the elephant show and all the little voice in my head keep saying is "news reel at 11 family trampled at local circus by these huge elephants!"  We did a day at Sandy hook with Maureen and Dylan--it was a great day chock full of kodak moments but I forgot the camera.  The next day we went to the Bronx Zoo with her daycare.  Shaye was very excited to go on a bus with her friends.  I found the zoo a bit overwhelming and large for the touring with a little one.  So I latched on with her friend Dean and his family and just saw what they saw :)  Shaye was happy to be by Dean (He's apparantly--the man in her eyes).  Today we will be heading to LBI so the fun continues....

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Not much new going on here.  It seems we have been in overdrive since March--constantly booked with something.  Shaye is doing well overall:  she has recently learned to cut with scissors and draw faces (eyebrows, cheeks, ears, hair and all---but everyone she make is sad:( )
She has been making a habit of waking up at 4:52 AM!!  (sadly somedays even earlier).  I think its a have to go potty or just wet my pull up thing since this super early rising has begun back in January when she got potty trained.  I've been trying to force her to hang out by herself in bed or her room (---until the sun comes up or the hand on the clock points up).  But all she does is yell:  "MOMMY...MOMMY...I...NEED YOU! ugggh!  One day I will wish she wanted me around.  Right now I am wishing to go to the bathroom in peace and finish a thought in a conversation with my husband.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Is it wrong?

So we saw a couple ants inside the house this Reid is freaking out about bugs in the house so he breaks out the dustbuster every night and vaccums up the kitchen.  So is it wrong to "see more ants".

Shaye had been suffering from seasonal allergies (we think--or a prolonged cold---we still don't know what we were all dealing with).  But I decided to stop the Benadryl for her last night and she was upset that she needed her medicine...fake coughing and all.  So I finally agreed and gave her "magic medicine"  (water from the medicine cup through a dropper).  Well she was highly upset with me for trying to trick her with water---which she realized immediately.  So is it wrong to try to trick a 2 year old just to get her to shut up and go to bed???  Is it wrong that my 2 year old is smarter than my tricks???

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Today has been rough! Little Shaye has been driving to the brink of nuttiness. I think its a lack of enough sleep for both of us. She is napping now and hopefully we will all be happier this afternoon. SO I a just adding a couple pics. Its a cute pic of Shaye I caught hiding under the bed and a picture of myself and my friend Cristina at her bridal shower.
PS I entered Shaye in the Parents magazine cover photo contest. Check her out and vote for her! My gallery if Shaye Marie at