Monday, December 22, 2008

Sometimes things don't how how you think they will

Sometimes things are not how you envision they will be.  When the snow started falling on Friday I was so excited by the prospect of taking Shaye outside to build a snowman.  So after her nap We put on layer after layer of clothes and snowsuit.  We ended with the mittens; she took one step outside; her mittens started to fall off and she went right back inside.  After a bit of crying we settled on some different gloves and tried again.  She seemed a little more willing and we got 2 snowmen built in the cold rain that developed.  So the next morning we both woke up with lovely colds!

Yesterday I took Shaye to her 1st movie with all her friends form playgroup and Olivia.  I expected her to be mesmerized and enamoured with the big screen.  Sometimes things are not how you envision they will be:  she was scared by some parts; couldn't decide where she wanted to sit; and on the ride home said "next time I'll just stay home with daddy".  

I hope Christmas is as fun and I am anticipating.  Three more days and I am so excited!!!!  Merry Christmas to all.


Heather said...

Yay finally an update!! Olivia liked the movie, but was more excited to bring the leftover popcorn home to Daddy!

Buns&Donuts said...

Didn't think anyone looked at it anymore anyways. Or maybe it was just that Shaye had been sleeping later so I no longer was up at 4:30 am (like I have been this whole week!) She is sleeping in today hopefully that means her cold is getting better.