Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So I said it was gross; I said it was too expensive; then I actually ran by one day and said Stirling Lake doesn't look so bad and the next day I joined in have been there 3 times this week.  So we belong to "the lake"  its so great for kids and Shaye and I am meeting some people in the area.  I actually feel like I can relax a bit because the water is shallow there are no waves and its near home!  
Also Shaye has graduated to her big girl bed (a new twin bed).  The crib and rocking chair are out of her room--and I did feel a bit sad because it was the last baby things to go.  But she is handling it fairly well (except for the 2 times she awoke under the bed)  We are still not sure what exactly happened but at least she didn't stray too far from the bed.  She also got her first pet:  Buddy the purple Beta fish.  Its fun to feed him each night with her and she seems happy about him (even if he is just in a bowl--not a tank like she requested.  

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