Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So I said it was gross; I said it was too expensive; then I actually ran by one day and said Stirling Lake doesn't look so bad and the next day I joined in have been there 3 times this week.  So we belong to "the lake"  its so great for kids and Shaye and I am meeting some people in the area.  I actually feel like I can relax a bit because the water is shallow there are no waves and its near home!  
Also Shaye has graduated to her big girl bed (a new twin bed).  The crib and rocking chair are out of her room--and I did feel a bit sad because it was the last baby things to go.  But she is handling it fairly well (except for the 2 times she awoke under the bed)  We are still not sure what exactly happened but at least she didn't stray too far from the bed.  She also got her first pet:  Buddy the purple Beta fish.  Its fun to feed him each night with her and she seems happy about him (even if he is just in a bowl--not a tank like she requested.  

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Kids Kingdom

Shaye sat for her first real face painting at Kids Kingdom.  And got a cat to match her friend Riley.  It did transform her face.  She had a fun afternoon with her friend.  This week was filled with going to the pool with Via and Blake, yoga, shopping, and a party at Rosie's house next door.  

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is Reid's Birthday and yesterday was our 9th anniversary!  Seems like time is just flying by.  Over 4th of July weekend we went to Philadelphia for my friend Cristina's wedding.  Shaye was the flowergirl and I was a bridesmaid.  It was quite a busy weekend and I think a bit stressful for Shaye (her poop turned bright green for 6 days!).  But we all survived and Shaye made it down the aisle and did not have any breakdowns.  I was so nervous just waiting for the 2 year breakdown as she waited for 2 1/2 hours before the wedding napless and uncomfortable (most mom's know when it is coming and all the ducks were in a row to have a major drama--but she pulled it together thank god).  Then she left with grandma and grandpa and Reid and I enjoyed the rest of the wedding :)
Shaye went to her first baseball game in Philly.  Daddy was thrilled to explain the game. Shaye wanted to see the green guy (Philly Phanatic).  Now its back to work this week and I realized how great vacation was!  
So I'm still trying to figure out what to do for daddy on his birthday??