Monday, March 24, 2008

That Easter Guy Came!

“That Easter Guy came!”  This was her line of the day and repeated over and over.  You gotta laugh.  I am often deemed “that girl” so the easter bunny shouldn’t feel slighted—I think.
Hope everyone had a happy easter.  We had a great day.  Shaye enjoyed all the fun toys in her baskets and more jelly beans than mommy likes to allow.  The easter bunny brought stamp sets, paints, Dora pantie sets, and lots of other fun stuff.  Shaye had to wear both sets of her panties at the same time.  (this is actually a common dressing tactic and we have topped out at 7 pairs of panties at one time).

We had both sets of grandparents over.  I think they all had fun and Shaye loved the attention.  Mommy realized the best recipe for a relaxing meal with a toddler is adding 4 loving grandparents.  I still wore myself out and fell asleep in the rocking chair with Shaye at bedtime.  I felt lost when I got up and now am up in the middle of the night writing this because I can’t sleep.  But I guess since having a child falling asleep at 8 and being up all night has sadly become common for me.

Reid was featured in Steve Adubato’s business column in the Sunday paper today.  It was concerning interview questions and he made interesting points.  Honestly, I would never want to face Reid on an interview—he’s tough but thought provoking.  Check it out if you wish: Click here.


alise said...

hahaaa thiss made me laughh so muchh!! "that easter guy" thatss too cutee and her panty thing of doubling upp is even funnier!! i heard she also like to wear a " secret shirt" ! ahh i love it shess too much!!

Heather said...

Gosh she looks like she should be in third grade with that panties set on. They get too big too fast:)