Saturday, November 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Little Girl

Happy Birthday Shaye! Wow 4 years have flown by and my baby isn't a baby anymore. But she is a vibrant, funny, artistic, sweet little girl. I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful family.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Summer's almost over

How is summer almost over?? As I get older I truly realize how quickly life flies by. I am trying to take the time to enjoy the special moments. And really slow down and notice the happiness.

Reid and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary with a getaway trip to Philadelphia. It was nice to reconnnect. We just returned from a few days in LBI visiting the in-laws. We were thankful that Reid's dad was able to finally get down there and seems to be feeling better.

We have started some construction on our house with new windows and cabinets in the living room and dining room. This will progress to the bathrooms in the fall.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Belated Father's Day. This Shaye and PopPop Catalano. We are really valuing our good times . Things have been quite busy and crazy in the Bundonis' household: between illnesses, cars breaking down, windows being smashed. We don't feel like we can get a break lately.
Shaye did get a new swing set from Grandma C. and is on it at least a couple times a day (when it isn't raining). She seems to be getting so big so fast. And we are embracing some of her new independence. Now if we could only get her to sleep passed 6:30 am (which she only seems to do when she is sick).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Speed up but don't go too fast

How is it March already???  When will it be Spring??
I feel like I have been in a time warp this winter and my life has just flown by.  But then I also feel stuck in the doldrums of winter and can't wait to get outdoors in the spring.  So which is it do I want things to speed up or slow down???
It seems as we have been busy with the day to days, Shaye has not slowed down one bit.  She is getting so big  and now I am no longer buying her clothes in the baby/toddler section.  We have graduated to the kids department.  I am a little sad about that.  My baby isn't a baby anymore.  And I think I need to speed up a bit, I need to get back into my daily exercise routine and lose the 5-8 pounds that have crept back on over the fall and winter :(  So I need to get off this computer and off my ass.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Not much of a blogger

I realize I am not much of a blogger.  I forget to do it and realize I don't have much to say or significance.  (So I just post pics of my little one).  
We are struggling with trying to get Shaye to sleep later.  You know you are sleep deprived when you are praising a 3 year old for sleeping until 5:40 am!  She made it until 5:50 today (woohoo).  We got a clock in which the sun rises and tells her its time to get up (of course she still gets up at the crack of dawn on her clock).  So maybe I'll set it back 5 more minutes tonight and hope to savor 5 more minutes of rest.
Shaye has learned the pledge of allegiance and that our new president is Barak Obama: And "we got a new presdient because we NEEDED a new president" (I tend to agree).
We went to a winterfest with sledding and such the other night.  It was frigid but fun.  Upon returning to our car I was shocked to see that we were only in the cold for 1 hour (felt like an eternity).  Here are a couple of pics from that.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sometimes things don't how how you think they will

Sometimes things are not how you envision they will be.  When the snow started falling on Friday I was so excited by the prospect of taking Shaye outside to build a snowman.  So after her nap We put on layer after layer of clothes and snowsuit.  We ended with the mittens; she took one step outside; her mittens started to fall off and she went right back inside.  After a bit of crying we settled on some different gloves and tried again.  She seemed a little more willing and we got 2 snowmen built in the cold rain that developed.  So the next morning we both woke up with lovely colds!

Yesterday I took Shaye to her 1st movie with all her friends form playgroup and Olivia.  I expected her to be mesmerized and enamoured with the big screen.  Sometimes things are not how you envision they will be:  she was scared by some parts; couldn't decide where she wanted to sit; and on the ride home said "next time I'll just stay home with daddy".  

I hope Christmas is as fun and I am anticipating.  Three more days and I am so excited!!!!  Merry Christmas to all.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to Shaye!

Well my baby isn't a baby anymore!  She's the big 3--hit preschool and already seems like she may want to start dropping the nap.  I am curious to see if that means an later wake up time (praying for it).  We celebrated this weekend with a large crowd at the house, which seemed like a whirlwind of cooking and cleaning for me.  But fun none the less.

So at three years old Shaye weighs 39 lbs and is just under 40 inches tall.  She's in the 95-97 percentile for her age.  She loves purple and red, arts and crafts, playing babies, barbies, cars and now trains (her birthday gift from mommy and daddy was a new train set).  She doesn't seem to like sports, but loves yoga--just the mention of it sends her into a downward facing dog.