Sunday, March 15, 2009

Speed up but don't go too fast

How is it March already???  When will it be Spring??
I feel like I have been in a time warp this winter and my life has just flown by.  But then I also feel stuck in the doldrums of winter and can't wait to get outdoors in the spring.  So which is it do I want things to speed up or slow down???
It seems as we have been busy with the day to days, Shaye has not slowed down one bit.  She is getting so big  and now I am no longer buying her clothes in the baby/toddler section.  We have graduated to the kids department.  I am a little sad about that.  My baby isn't a baby anymore.  And I think I need to speed up a bit, I need to get back into my daily exercise routine and lose the 5-8 pounds that have crept back on over the fall and winter :(  So I need to get off this computer and off my ass.

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