Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to Shaye!

Well my baby isn't a baby anymore!  She's the big 3--hit preschool and already seems like she may want to start dropping the nap.  I am curious to see if that means an later wake up time (praying for it).  We celebrated this weekend with a large crowd at the house, which seemed like a whirlwind of cooking and cleaning for me.  But fun none the less.

So at three years old Shaye weighs 39 lbs and is just under 40 inches tall.  She's in the 95-97 percentile for her age.  She loves purple and red, arts and crafts, playing babies, barbies, cars and now trains (her birthday gift from mommy and daddy was a new train set).  She doesn't seem to like sports, but loves yoga--just the mention of it sends her into a downward facing dog.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm Free!

I have the whole day to myself!!  And I feel almost frozen trying to decide what to do first.  Shopping, bath, pedicure or what it will really turn into mopping the floors, making dinner, doing laundry.
Here are some recent pics:  Shaye and her buddy Dean for Halloween and at Great Wolf Lodge and Shaye and Riley in a swing on a playdate.