Wednesday, August 27, 2008

End of summer

We have recently returned from a few days in LBI.  The weather was fantastic and Shaye was a lot of fine.  We spent a lot of time on the beach, one day at the bay, visited the lighthouse, saw Peter Pan, and visited grandma and grandpa Bundonis.  Now there is wash to do, groceries to stock, and some sleep to catch up on.  
I have this week off with my Shaye Shaye.  And I am looking forward to some nice mommy and Shaye time; but not looking forward to the looming 9/2 date for returning to work and school.  Shaye will begin nursery or preschool on that day; I can't believe how fast she is growing up!  But she is definitely ready for more.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Toddler land

So I got turned on to facebook and didn't get it at first and now have become sucked it.  Therefore, I have not written much on this blog lately.  This is the last week of my work's summer program and I am looking forward to a couple weeks off and some special time home with Shaye.
Today we went to the Crayola Factory and it is just up Shaye's alley.  She loves the arts and I was quite impressed how she made all the projects herself!  She cuts, glues and colors at times as well as me (although thats not saying much for me).  
We have 3 toddler birthday parties within one week, then Sesame Place including lunch with Big Bird!  I think it will either age me another 3 years or make me feel 3 again.