Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Is it wrong?

So we saw a couple ants inside the house this weekend...now Reid is freaking out about bugs in the house so he breaks out the dustbuster every night and vaccums up the kitchen.  So is it wrong to "see more ants".

Shaye had been suffering from seasonal allergies (we think--or a prolonged cold---we still don't know what we were all dealing with).  But I decided to stop the Benadryl for her last night and she was upset that she needed her medicine...fake coughing and all.  So I finally agreed and gave her "magic medicine"  (water from the medicine cup through a dropper).  Well she was highly upset with me for trying to trick her with water---which she realized immediately.  So is it wrong to try to trick a 2 year old just to get her to shut up and go to bed???  Is it wrong that my 2 year old is smarter than my tricks???

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Today has been rough! Little Shaye has been driving to the brink of nuttiness. I think its a lack of enough sleep for both of us. She is napping now and hopefully we will all be happier this afternoon. SO I a just adding a couple pics. Its a cute pic of Shaye I caught hiding under the bed and a picture of myself and my friend Cristina at her bridal shower.
PS I entered Shaye in the Parents magazine cover photo contest. Check her out and vote for her! My gallery if Shaye Marie at www.parentsmag.com

Sunday, May 11, 2008

This is all you get no more!

Happy Mother's Day to me and all the great mommies I know out there. We had a busy but nice day. I got some flowers on Friday, and today I got a lovely card colored by my Shaye Shaye. She gave the card to me and said "Here this is all you get; thats it no more" Nice huh?